Page history
2 January 2022
31 December 2021
→New Reno: slight fix for better readability
→New Reno: fixing sentence structure, grammar, expanding details etc., general information and Silver Legacy Hotel area
17 July 2021
Las Vegas →Caravanaire parking: →Clean City: - Corrected translations, reformulated sentences
→Slave City: - Corrected translations, shortened sentences.
19 May 2021
→Wind of War
→Uranium City
→Rancho Luciano - quests of Luciano
→Stadium - Stryker's quest
→The Town Hall - Thompson's quest
→The Town Hall - Thompson's quest
→Salt Lake City
→Neighborhood Provo
→Main Questline
→Main Questline
→Main Questline
→Main Questline
→Railway depot
→Railway depot
→Main Questline
→General information
→General information
18 May 2021
→Area 51: typo
→Area 51: force field clarification
→Big Louis' quests: rewording
→Big Louis' quests: added alternative quest ending
→Lovelock - Raiders: rewording
24 October 2020
→Uranium City
→Uranium City
→Stadium - Stryker's quest
→Stadium - Stryker's quest
→The Town Hall - Thompson's quest
→Vault City
23 October 2020
→Silver Legacy Hotel
→Lovelock - Raiders
→Lovelock - Raiders
→Lovelock - Raiders
→Lovelock - Raiders