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| Later in the game, you'll need a fuse; you can either ask Stark or blackmail Sam if you successfully persuade him. | | Later in the game, you'll need a fuse; you can either ask Stark or blackmail Sam if you successfully persuade him. |
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| == Black Rock ==
| | William will tell you that [[Jay Kukish]] recently passed through here. |
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| [[William]] will tell you that [[Jay Cuckoo|Jay]] Kukish passed through here.
| | Inside one of the tents, there is a locked chest containing valuables, opening it will result in a slight karma loss. |
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| In one of the tents you can find a locked chest with some valuables (for a slight karma loss). | | In the bar, you have the option to fight Mike. If you win (Unarmed 60), you can buy a power fist from him for $3500, or $2500 if your Barter skill is 60. If you lose, Mike can train your Unarmed skill by 3% for $200. |
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| You can pick a fight with Mike in the bar (preferably with Unarmed 60% or more). After that, you can buy a power fist from him. $3500, or $2500 with Barter 60. It's expensive, but it's the only one for a long time. If you lose, Mike can train you in Unarmed by 3% ($200). Winning grants bonus experience.
| | [[Quests]] in [[Black Rock]] are given by William (for good karma) or Justin (for bad karma), and you can undertake multiple [[quests]] simultaneously: |
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| Practically all [[quests]] here are given by William (good karma) or Justin (bad karma) and you can receive more than one at once:
| | # Help Jasmine, Make Her Leave or Kill Her: To treat Jasmine, speak with Old Man Jed, who will instruct you to find nightshade berries. These berries can be acquired from vendors, drug dealers, or found growing on tall green plants. Jed will then guide you on crafting a Blood Purifier, which requires Doctor/Science 30. You will also receive the Horsekiller poison recipe. Ensure you administer the Blood Purifier to Jasmine via her conversation portrait to cure her. |
| # Help Jasmine or make her leave (or kill her): To treat [[Jasmine]], first ask old man Jed, who will tell you about nightshade berries. When you find the berries (found at vendors, drug dealers, and growing on tall green plants), Jed will tell you how to craft Blood Purifier for treatment. It takes Doctor/Science 30. You will also receive a bonus poison recipe Horsekiller. Be sure to only give Jasmine the blood purifier via her conversation portrait, otherwise, she will not be cured. | |
| # Help the slaves or make them leave (or kill them): Talk to them and then remove their collars (you need a Traps skill of 35), you can then offer them to help around the town to be able to stay (Justin & Eugene will be angry (again) but they're all bark, no bite). Keep at least one collar for yourself to be able to craft a unique power first later (see [[Lovelock]]). If you sell all the collars (most profitable to sell to slavers), you can get more later from dead slaves or a certain [[SPECIAL|special]] encounter.
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| # Find the missing brahmin: Talk to the kid who was guarding them. Speech check of 25 will make him confess he fell asleep, or you can learn this from Jasmine. Then you need to inspect the fence (hunt for the pixel with your mouse, should be a loose plank on the upper left side). Then examine the brahmin's remains and ask [[Justin]] about the bullets which will point to Bolt. Then talk to Bolt and decide how to proceed.
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| # Find out what happened to Milo: To search for Milo you first need to go to [[Gerlach]] and talk to his wife. There will be a note on her desk (a bug can occur where you can't reach the note, but it's not necessary anyway). If the note is unaccessible you must first get the quest, then talk to [[Gerlach]] about Milo's disappearance, then to Milo's wife, who will then tell you about what he was wearing, then go back to the undertaker/grave digger Bob in [[Black Rock]] and convince him to confess everything (he is wearing Milo's boots). You need either bad karma, Speech 45, ST 8, or good reputation in the settlement. You can then either talk about it to Eugene, Justin or William (if you care about detailed lore). Ideally you should talk to [[Eugene]] first and he will tell you more about involvement into Milo's death, with a speech check (25) you can convince him to leave the raider gang. Otherwise if you talk to Justin or William first, Eugene will leave (forever?) but in any case this quest will be considered finished and you will receive a final one along with a radio (from either of them).
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| # Save the caravan: Use the radio and go to the signal location. There'll be raiders waiting for you at the cave entrance, the caravan is trapped inside. Raiders will offer you to kill caravaneers or lure them out (bad karma). Or you can kill the raiders instead - you are most likely not ready yet for a direct fight, so there is a better way - make sure you go inside. In the upper right corner there are a couple of radscorpions, kill them to take their tails if you don't have them yet. You can proceed to the caravan people and talk to them or just pass them directly. If you talk to them you can learn how they became trapped, and either lure them out to raiders, go out with them to fight the raiders (makes the direct fight much easier) or tell them you need to think. Best to proceed to the empty part of cavern on the left, if you get close to the left side wall you will get a console message "there's a fresh breeze blowing" and you will easily find a hidden exit. Once outside best to use sneak mode, there is a nightshade plant outside for Jasmine's quest if you didn't do it yet. There will also be a fireplace that you can use and it will give you the option to poison the raiders stew pot, for that you will need to either make the horsekiller poison with nightshade berries or just throw in radscorpion tails (you need 3). Then just go back inside the cave and wait an hour or two for the poison to take effect. Come back out to find the raiders are dead, loot their corpses and inform the caravan people that the raiders are dead, after that you can return to [[Black Rock]] and trade with the caravan leader (he will also appear in [[Black Rock]] every 10th day of the month and stay for up to one or two days). Return to William for a reward, you can pick a 20% discount for all future trades or pick a unique upgradeable energy pistol "Lucky" - Dave from the house next to tents will upgrade it for you if you bring him 250$ worth of gecko pelts.
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| After recovering from infection Jasmine asks you to help her find a boyfriend. There is a [[SPECIAL|special]] dialogue here for Gravediggers, but normal Speech can be used on the undertaker/grave digger Bob, then talk to Jasmine about him and convince her. (You need to repeat the "Now that you're cured, will you be alright in this town?" line to get to where you suggest Gravedigger Bob) <!-- In my playthrough of latest version I used a speech check on the grave digger but didn't feel like getting them together, hoping I'll find someone else for her. After a while when I returned to [[Black Rock]], Bob was nowhere to be found, in his place was a puddle of blood as he was seemingly killed. Option to get Jasmine a boyfriend disappears from dialogue.
| | # Help the Slaves, Make Them Leave or Kill Them: Speak to the slaves and remove their collars (Traps 35). You can offer them work around the town, which will annoy Justin and Eugene, but they are all talk and no action. Keep at least one collar for crafting a unique power fist later (see [[Lovelock]]). If you sell all the collars, you can acquire more from dead slaves or a [[SPECIAL|special]] encounter. |
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| Reply: this is likely because you told Eugene that Bob snitched on him -->
| | # Find the Missing Brahmin: Talk to the child who was guarding them. Get him to admit he fell asleep (Speech 25), or you can learn this from Jasmine. Inspect the fence for a loose plank on the upper left side, then examine the brahmin's remains. Inquire Justin about the bullets, which will lead you to Bolt. Decide how to proceed after speaking with Bolt. |
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| Later in the bar you will find prospector Mark in the upper right corner (see [[Fallout: Nevada#Metal Detector]]). | | # Find Out What Happened to Milo: To search for Milo you first need to go to [[Gerlach]] and talk to his wife. A note on her desk may not be accessible, but it is not essential. After obtaining the quest, speak to [[Gerlach]] about Milo's disappearance, then converse with Milo's wife, who will describe his attire. Return to [[Black Rock]] to confront Bob the Grave Diggers, who is wearing Milo's boots. Convince him to confess using either bad karma, a Speech 45, ST 8, or a good reputation in the settlement. You can discuss the matter with Eugene, Justin, or William for more context. Talking to Eugene first may lead to his departure from the raider gang (Speech 25). Otherwise, speaking with Justin or William first will cause Eugene to leave. Completing this quest grants a final task and a radio. |
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| | # Save the Caravan: Use the radio to find the signal location. Raiders await at the cave entrance, trapping the caravan inside. They may offer you the choice to kill the caravaneers or lure them out, resulting in bad karma. Alternatively, you can kill the raiders. Fighting them directly is challenging, so it's advisable to enter the cave. In the upper right corner, eliminate radscorpions and collect their tails. You can talk to the caravan members to learn how they became trapped and choose to lure them out, fight alongside them, or think it over. Proceed to the left side of the cavern to find a hidden exit indicated by a "warm breeze." Sneak outside to find a nightshade plant and a fireplace. Use the fireplace to poison the raiders' stew pot with either Horsekiller poison or three radscorpion tails. Return to the cave and wait an hour for the poison to take effect. Once the raiders are dead, loot their bodies and inform the caravan. Upon returning to [[Black Rock]], trade with the caravan leader, who visits every 10th day of the month. Return to William for a reward, choosing between a 20% trade discount or an upgradeable energy pistol, "Lucky." Dave, in the house next to the tents, will upgrade it if you bring him $250 worth of gecko pelts. |
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| | After Jasmine recovers, she asks for help finding a boyfriend. Use a [[SPECIAL|special]] dialogue for Bob the Grave Diggers, or employ a Speech check. Convince Jasmine about him by repeating the line "Now that you're cured, will you be alright in this town?" |
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| | Later, in the bar, you can find prospector Mark in the upper right corner (see [[Fallout: Nevada#Metal Detector]]). |
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| == Gerlach == | | == Gerlach == |