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Fallout: Nevada: Difference between revisions

→‎Wind of War: clarified translation
m (→‎Black Rock: clarified the Milo's disappearance quest in the event that you cannot access the note)
(→‎Wind of War: clarified translation)
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# Help the slaves or make them leave (or kill them): Talk to them and then remove their collars (you need a Traps skill of 35), you can then offer them to help around the town to be able to stay (Justin & Eugene will be angry (again) but they're all bark, no bite). Keep at least one collar for yourself to be able to craft a unique power first later (see [[Lovelock]]). If you sell all the collars (most profitable to sell to slavers), you can get more later from dead slaves or a certain [[SPECIAL|special]] encounter.
# Help the slaves or make them leave (or kill them): Talk to them and then remove their collars (you need a Traps skill of 35), you can then offer them to help around the town to be able to stay (Justin & Eugene will be angry (again) but they're all bark, no bite). Keep at least one collar for yourself to be able to craft a unique power first later (see [[Lovelock]]). If you sell all the collars (most profitable to sell to slavers), you can get more later from dead slaves or a certain [[SPECIAL|special]] encounter.
# Find the missing brahmin: Talk to the kid who was guarding them. Speech check of 25 will make him confess he fell asleep, or you can learn this from Jasmine. Then you need to inspect the fence (hunt for the pixel with your mouse, should be a loose plank on the upper left side). Then examine the brahmin's remains and ask [[Justin]] about the bullets which will point to Bolt. Then talk to Bolt and decide how to proceed.
# Find the missing brahmin: Talk to the kid who was guarding them. Speech check of 25 will make him confess he fell asleep, or you can learn this from Jasmine. Then you need to inspect the fence (hunt for the pixel with your mouse, should be a loose plank on the upper left side). Then examine the brahmin's remains and ask [[Justin]] about the bullets which will point to Bolt. Then talk to Bolt and decide how to proceed.
# Find out what happened to Milo: To search for Milo you first need to go to [[Gerlach]] and talk to his wife. There will be a note on her desk (a bug can occur where you can't reach the note, but it's not necessary anyway). If the note is unaccessible you must first get the quest, then talk to Gerlach about Milo's disappearance, then to Milo's wife, who will then tell you about what he was wearing, then go back to the undertaker/grave digger Bob in [[Black Rock]] and convince him to confess everything (he is wearing Milo's boots). You need either bad karma, Speech 45, ST 8, or good reputation in the settlement. You can then either talk about it to Eugene, Justin or William (if you care about detailed lore). Ideally you should talk to [[Eugene]] first and he will tell you more about involvement into Milo's death, with a speech check (25) you can convince him to leave the raider gang. Otherwise if you talk to Justin or William first, Eugene will leave (forever?) but in any case this quest will be considered finished and you will receive a final one along with a radio (from either of them).
# Find out what happened to Milo: To search for Milo you first need to go to [[Gerlach]] and talk to his wife. There will be a note on her desk (a bug can occur where you can't reach the note, but it's not necessary anyway). If the note is unaccessible you must first get the quest, then talk to [[Gerlach]] about Milo's disappearance, then to Milo's wife, who will then tell you about what he was wearing, then go back to the undertaker/grave digger Bob in [[Black Rock]] and convince him to confess everything (he is wearing Milo's boots). You need either bad karma, Speech 45, ST 8, or good reputation in the settlement. You can then either talk about it to Eugene, Justin or William (if you care about detailed lore). Ideally you should talk to [[Eugene]] first and he will tell you more about involvement into Milo's death, with a speech check (25) you can convince him to leave the raider gang. Otherwise if you talk to Justin or William first, Eugene will leave (forever?) but in any case this quest will be considered finished and you will receive a final one along with a radio (from either of them).
# Save the caravan: Use the radio and go to the signal location. There'll be raiders waiting for you at the cave entrance, the caravan is trapped inside. Raiders will offer you to kill caravaneers or lure them out (bad karma). Or you can kill the raiders instead - you are most likely not ready yet for a direct fight, so there is a better way - make sure you go inside. In the upper right corner there are a couple of radscorpions, kill them to take their tails if you don't have them yet. You can proceed to the caravan people and talk to them or just pass them directly. If you talk to them you can learn how they became trapped, and either lure them out to raiders, go out with them to fight the raiders (makes the direct fight much easier) or tell them you need to think. Best to proceed to the empty part of cavern on the left, if you get close to the left side wall you will get a console message "there's a fresh breeze blowing" and you will easily find a hidden exit. Once outside best to use sneak mode, there is a nightshade plant outside for Jasmine's quest if you didn't do it yet. There will also be a fireplace that you can use and it will give you the option to poison the raiders stew pot, for that you will need to either make the horsekiller poison with nightshade berries or just throw in radscorpion tails (you need 3). Then just go back inside the cave and wait an hour or two for the poison to take effect. Come back out to find the raiders are dead, loot their corpses and inform the caravan people that the raiders are dead, after that you can return to [[Black Rock]] and trade with the caravan leader (he will also appear in [[Black Rock]] every 10th day of the month and stay for up to one or two days). Return to William for a reward, you can pick a 20% discount for all future trades or pick a unique upgradeable energy pistol "Lucky"  - Dave from the house next to tents will upgrade it for you if you bring him 250$ worth of gecko pelts.
# Save the caravan: Use the radio and go to the signal location. There'll be raiders waiting for you at the cave entrance, the caravan is trapped inside. Raiders will offer you to kill caravaneers or lure them out (bad karma). Or you can kill the raiders instead - you are most likely not ready yet for a direct fight, so there is a better way - make sure you go inside. In the upper right corner there are a couple of radscorpions, kill them to take their tails if you don't have them yet. You can proceed to the caravan people and talk to them or just pass them directly. If you talk to them you can learn how they became trapped, and either lure them out to raiders, go out with them to fight the raiders (makes the direct fight much easier) or tell them you need to think. Best to proceed to the empty part of cavern on the left, if you get close to the left side wall you will get a console message "there's a fresh breeze blowing" and you will easily find a hidden exit. Once outside best to use sneak mode, there is a nightshade plant outside for Jasmine's quest if you didn't do it yet. There will also be a fireplace that you can use and it will give you the option to poison the raiders stew pot, for that you will need to either make the horsekiller poison with nightshade berries or just throw in radscorpion tails (you need 3). Then just go back inside the cave and wait an hour or two for the poison to take effect. Come back out to find the raiders are dead, loot their corpses and inform the caravan people that the raiders are dead, after that you can return to [[Black Rock]] and trade with the caravan leader (he will also appear in [[Black Rock]] every 10th day of the month and stay for up to one or two days). Return to William for a reward, you can pick a 20% discount for all future trades or pick a unique upgradeable energy pistol "Lucky"  - Dave from the house next to tents will upgrade it for you if you bring him 250$ worth of gecko pelts.

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Make a separate save before you do your military base tasks, otherwise you may lose access to it before the time comes.
Make a separate save before you do your military base tasks, otherwise you may lose access to it before the time comes.

There's a comrade in the tent on the left, very angry at the technique. If you are not too law-abiding - you will need it later (for penetration you will get +2% to secrecy and -5 karma). When you have a controller, you will need to go up to it and remind it of the diversion. Speech 50 or the reputation of the caravanists will give access to the theft of the car. Repair or break-in 25 will allow you to start the car.
There's a soldier in the tent on the left, who is very angry at the soldiers stationed there. If you are not too law-abiding - you will need it later (for penetration you will get +2% to secrecy and -5 karma). When you have a controller, you will need to go up to it and remind it of the diversion. Speech 50 or the reputation of the caravanists will give access to the theft of the car. Repair or break-in 25 will allow you to start the car.

The chief of the caravan will talk about the "rotor friend". It'll give you the opportunity to buy or steal a car. You need 35,000 to buy (See [[Car]] for more details). Barter 50 will allow you to get a discount (from 3000 to 6000 with the attractiveness of 7), and charisma 6 and female sex will work as a prostitute to earn money. For the purchase you will get +5% to trade, +10 karma and 5000 experience, for theft you will get -100 karma and 3500 experience. They'll order you anyway. A note from the killers' bodies can be given to [[Wesker]].
Anders, the head mechanic of the caravan will talk about the fuel cell controller. Which will give you the opportunity to buy or steal a car. You can buy the car for $35,000. Alternatively a Barter skill of 50 will allow you to get a discount (from $3000 to $6000 with a charisma of 7), and charisma 6 and female sex will work as a prostitute to earn money. For the purchase you will get +5% to barter, +10 karma and 5000 experience, for theft you will get -100 karma and 3500 experience. They'll order you anyway. A note from the killers' bodies can be given to [[Wesker]].

Right at the entrance, the caravan man has a useful object. You can try to win it or buy it for $50. The stone is needed by the trader on the base, but you can hold it and use it differently. The second stone is in a white box in the barracks. To get to it you need secrecy and combat mode (or stealthy mode). The stones need to be inserted into the statue, then a passage inside the building will open.
Inside the main building to the right there's a caravaneer with a stone that is important to the mission to get the car, you can gamble for it or buy it for $50. The trader on the base will try and offer you $200 for it, but hold onto it, as it's important in getting the car. The second stone is in a white locker in the northern most room in the barracks. To get it you need either a decent sneak, or to abuse combat mode to sneak past the lockers. The stones need to be inserted into the two statues on the front of the building at the main entrance, afterwards a passage way down with a lader will open next to the safe on the eastern part of the building.

In the room on the right, the murky guy wants to steal the codes from the military base. Trading 50 can double the price tag. Access to the quest will require a level 10. After receiving the task, it can be handed over to the general or executed.
In the room on the east, the suspect individual wants to steal the codes from the military base. A barter skill of 50 can double the reward to $1000, otherwise he will only offer $500. You can only get the quest if you're level 10 or above. After receiving the quest you can either rat out the spy to the general or return the codes to the spy.

Next to the right is the victim of military arrogance. With a doctor or first aid 50 he can be treated, otherwise you can make a local doctor do it. He will also give a quest to take away the unique gun (+20% to the chance of hit) and money from [[Jim]]mi. [[Jim]]mi is inside the base at the entrance, but the general can help with that. (It is more accurate than the usual +20%. Clarification: it is more accurate than any gun in the game by +20% (except Gauss-pistols). For example, from the usual chance of hitting 50%, in the same conditions it will be 70%. He's very good at targeting.) When you take this gun from [[Jim]], don't give it to the caravanaire, but give it back (it's just a little less expa and karma). The caravan-man won't get any worse on you, he'll still treat you to peanuts (see [[Las Vegas]]).
In the south eastern room of the first building is a man who has been badly beaten by members of the military. If you have a doctor skill of at least 50 you can treat him yourself, otherwise you can talk to the doctor in the south western room and either convince him to treat the patient for free or otherwise pay him $100 to do so. The man, once treated will give you a quest to recover a unique Desert Eagle (+20% to the chance of hit) and money from [[Jim]]mi. [[Jim]]mi is inside the base at the entrance just to the east of the cordon, but the general can help with that. (It is more accurate than the usual +20%. Clarification: This gun appears to have a base +20% chance of hitting a target no matter the conditions instead of changing the range modifiers, it's well worth spending the $1000 on or beating Jimmi in a fight for. When you take this gun from [[Jim]], don't give it to the caravanneer, at the very least it's worth using for the next while until you upgrade, at that point you can give it back for the XP and cash.

Additional grenades can be accessed by the merchant when trading 40. He also asks to bring 30 bottles of beer (then he can be handed over to the general, but he may not find the beer). It will also give you access to a $300 shelter where you can find a part for your booking and a quest part for the warehouse (you will need a rope there). Fighting there is not necessary, the main thing is not to get caught in the eyes of cute lizards, but if you kill everyone, you can meet [[Super 8]] in the neighborhood, but the chance is extremely small (with karma 500 you can not fight with him). The trader will only give you [[quests]] if you haven't yet done the general's tasks [[Wesker]]a. Otherwise, he'll say you can turn him in to the general, and he won't go on talking. So don't rush to the general right away :-)
Additional grenades can be accessed by the merchant when trading 40. He also asks to bring 30 bottles of beer (then he can be handed over to the general, but he may not find the beer). It will also give you access to a $300 shelter where you can find a part for your booking and a quest part for the warehouse (you will need a rope there). Fighting there is not necessary, the main thing is not to get caught in the eyes of cute lizards, but if you kill everyone, you can meet [[Super 8]] in the neighborhood, but the chance is extremely small (with karma 500 you can not fight with him). The trader will only give you [[quests]] if you haven't yet done the general's tasks [[Wesker]]a. Otherwise, he'll say you can turn him in to the general, and he won't go on talking. So don't rush to the general right away :-)
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== NPP "Poseidon Oil" ==
== NPP "Poseidon Oil" ==

There are no [[quests]] here, but you can find some very useful loot. It is highly recommended to take 2 pieces [[Rad-X]] (or one and quickly get to the antiradiation suit, which will require a high level of Science and Lockpicking) before looking for them. The only enemies outside the plant are a few geckos, so it won't be a problem. If you have the [[Metal Detector|metal detector]], some loot can be found in the zones outside the power plant itself. First of all, it is best to go to inside the NPP itself to find the anti-radiation suit. You can open the door with the help of a high value of repair, science or lockpicking skill or with dynamite (in the latter case you will miss out on 500 experience).  
There are no [[quests]] here, but you can find some very useful loot. It is highly recommended to take 2 pieces [[Rad-X]] (or one and quickly get to the antiradiation suit, which will require a high level of Science and Lockpicking) before looking for them. The only enemies outside the plant are a few geckos, so it won't be a problem. If you have the [[Metal Detector|metal detector]], some loot can be found in the zones outside the power plant itself. First of all, it is best to go to inside the NPP itself to find the [[anti-radiation suit]]. You can open the door with the help of a high value of repair, science or lockpicking skill or with dynamite (in the latter case you will miss out on 500 experience).  

If you don't want to fight robots (but one of them has a minigun), use Science (75% Science) on the console at the entrance.  You can find an anti-radiation suit in a white locker in the storage area. You need a Lockpicking of 95% and an electronic lockpick or a keycard to enter it (found in the reactor room). Not only will you need it to fix the Power [[Armor]] but you can also wear it right away and protect against the heavy radiation in the area. One of the cabinets has a red card to access the computer. The computer itself will tell you some information, but nothing particularly important will be there. You can find some loot in the cupboards such as: a welding machine, a servomotor and a fuse. A Super Toolkit is on a table in the storage area.
If you don't want to fight robots (but one of them has a minigun), use Science (75% Science) on the console at the entrance.  You can find an [[anti-radiation suit]] in a white locker in the storage area. You need a Lockpicking of 95% and an electronic lockpick or a keycard to enter it (found in the reactor room). Not only will you need it to fix the Power [[Armor]] but you can also wear it right away and protect against the heavy radiation in the area. One of the cabinets has a red card to access the computer. The computer itself will tell you some information, but nothing particularly important will be there. You can find some loot in the cupboards such as: a welding machine, a servomotor and a fuse. A Super Toolkit is on a table in the storage area.

At the second location "dump", where the fuel cell controller is located, you will need to tie a rope to a crane near the building, and then use it to pile up some boxes to climb on. That way, you'll have access to the inside. In addition to the controller (can be removed without any requirements), you can remove various objects from the old car. To remove everything you need Repair 100 (tools do not help). Also in a locked house you can find a book on repair.
At the second location "dump", where the fuel cell controller is located, you will need to tie a rope to a crane near the building, and then use it to pile up some boxes to climb on. That way, you'll have access to the inside. In addition to the controller (can be removed without any requirements), you can remove various objects from the old car. To remove everything you need Repair 100 (tools do not help). Also in a locked house you can find a book on repair.
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If your lockpicking is pumped up, then you can immediately go up and to the right and find there a third safe and some useful loot. In the table is a sheet with passwords from all safes (including for the gas canister). Here you can also find a Stealth Boy and a computer with information on how the gas cylinders are used.
If your lockpicking is pumped up, then you can immediately go up and to the right and find there a third safe and some useful loot. In the table is a sheet with passwords from all safes (including for the gas canister). Here you can also find a Stealth Boy and a computer with information on how the gas cylinders are used.

In a small room is a Pressure Helmet, which is needed to build Power [[Armor]]. Next to it is a device in which the cylinders are placed and a gas attack can be launched. To prevent the gas attack from harming, you can wear an anti-gas or anti-radiation suit and calmly wander around the base.
In a small room is a Pressure Helmet, which is needed to build Power [[Armor]]. Next to it is a device in which the cylinders are placed and a gas attack can be launched. To prevent the gas attack from harming, you can wear an anti-gas or [[anti-radiation suit]] and calmly wander around the base.

In the room with a computer there is a control panel (in the table) and the possibility of activating self-destruction of the base. Intelligence 7 and Science 75 will allow you to fix the turrets. If you left any aliens alive on the surface, you can use the turrets to wipe them out. Science 100 will enable the self-destruct sequence and destroy the base.
In the room with a computer there is a control panel (in the table) and the possibility of activating self-destruction of the base. Intelligence 7 and Science 75 will allow you to fix the turrets. If you left any aliens alive on the surface, you can use the turrets to wipe them out. Science 100 will enable the self-destruct sequence and destroy the base.
